Posts Tagged ‘business jargon’


Can you speak the language of business?
In basic business classes, most students have little or no knowledge of business. The first lessons I must teach them are basic business terms. If they do not understand the basics, they will never succeed.
 This is called jargon. Jargon is language specific to an industry. For example accountants will speak of depretiation.Many outside accounting will have no understanding of this term. However all accountants will.
Can you speak the jargon of business? If you expect to go very far with your career in business, you must.
Test yourself. Could you explain the following terminology?
·         Entrepreneur.
·         Goods.
·         Service.
·         Product.
·         Business.
·         Risk.
·         Loss.
·         Profit.
·         Revenue.
How did you do?
I have a homework assignment for you. research these words in  google.Determine what you know and did not know ?
Write them down. Study and learn them. Begin to use them daily. Master them, in time you will. Before you know it, you will start to sound like a businessperson.